Weight loss is easy. To lose weight; simply control your portion sizes and fill your tummy with healthy-fiber-rich foods that will keep you full and prevent overeating.
This 21-day food timetable provides you with nutritious Nigerian meals that have been proven to aid weight loss and prevent you from falling back into your old eating habits.
The meal plan will guide your dietary choices to achieve a calorie deficit and help you follow the basic rule of weight loss, which is “burning more calories than you consume”. All that is required of you is to stick to this meal plan for 21-days and lose your first 4-6 kg.
If this sounds like something you need, get your copy of the 21-day Nigerian food timetable for weight loss. It is complete with 25+ recipes, free exercise tips, exact calorie calculations for each meal, and serving advice.
You’ll eat roughly 1500 calories daily and burn excess fat quickly. It will also give you a foundation to personalize your meals and keep losing weight after 21 days. Expect to lose belly fat, look younger, manage your diabetes, and reduce your blood pressure.
Also read: How to Lose Weight Naturally – Easy Weight Loss Tips
What you’ll gain!
You’ll gain low-calorie recipes that are rich in dietary fiber and designed for the whole family – answers to your most frequently asked questions and a full shopping list.
To help you stick to the plan, you can choose to prepare your meals during the weekend and freeze it up – to save you the stress of cooking daily.
Also, you can switch up the ingredients to suit your taste and budget. For example, you can select different varieties of vegetables or protein to create your meals based on the guidelines in the book.
This is an example of the meal plan for days 1 and 2:
Day 1
- High-energy breakfast: ½ cup cooked oats with 1 cup low-fat milk and one sliced banana (recipe, pg. 30) – 355 calories
- Energizing snack: 1 medium-sized apple with 2 tablespoons peanut butter –250 calories
- Power lunch: 1 wrap of moi-moi (pg. 40) with 1 serving of grilled fish and 1 cup of veggie salad (pg. 59) – 400 calories
- Afternoon snack: 1 medium-sized orange – 60 calories
- Dinner: 1 serving, of chicken pepper soup (pg. 45) with 1 cup of veggie salad – 400 calories
Total daily calories: 1465 calories
Day 2
- HIgh-energy breakfast: Veggie omelet (pg. 32) with 1 cup of healthful tea (pg. 34) – 420 calories
- Energizing snack: 1 medium-sized banana – 105 calories
- Lunch: Leftover Chicken pepper soup with 1 wrap of corn pudding (agidi) – 500 calories
- Afternoon snack: 1 handful of peanuts – 165 calories
- Dinner: 1 serving, of catfish pepper soup (pg. 47) with 1 cup of veggie salad – 310 calories
Total daily calories: 1500 calories
To get the complete 21-days meal timetable, download your copy of the 21-day Nigerian Timetable for Weight Loss. It is an e-book and can be read on all devices.
What’s inside:

21-Day Nigerian Food Timetable for Weight Loss
Price: ₦3499.
Get your copy and personalize your Nigerian food timetable. You’ll lose belly fat, manage your diabetes, reduce your blood pressure, and look younger.
Click to get your copy of the 21-day Nigerian weight loss meal plan.
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